Indianapolis Airport Digital Experience

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Indianapolis Airport Digital Experience


  • Indianapolis International Airport
  • Indianapolis, Indiana


Enable visitors to discover what the airport has to offer, in addition to general wayfinding and seeing flight information.


First, a web experience as the pilot project (aeronautic pun!) with information on flights, dining, shopping, art, and transportation. Second, the same experience with additional wayfinding features on interactive touchscreens and deployed in the airport.


This was an exciting project as it was our first opportunity to build a major experience with an institution different from a museum, although Indianapolis Airport also has a lot of art. In designing the experience, I followed a similar layout as the Asian Art Museum kiosk since that was a design we tested and proved to work well with visitors who are unfamiliar with a space. There was significantly more information that needed to be displayed in the airport experience, so I created a prototype click-through in Marvel ( to make sure the airport team and we were on the same page about the layout and content. The airport team tested the experience internally and provided feedback at every step of design and iteration. The experience on touchscreen, placed in the airport, allows visitors to explore the same information as on web, but also see directions to points of interest. Both experiences have language support for English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese.

My Roles

Design, prototyping, quality assurance